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CMI Limited

What company does?Manufacturing and supplying power cables and electrical equipment
Entity typePrivate
CMI Limited is a share market listed company in the Cables - Electricals industry . It got listed on NSE on 29-NOV-2016 under the trading symbol CMICABLES. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol CMICABLES. The company operates in Electronics , Consumer Goods and Technology categories.

Company overview

CMI Limited is a leading specialty cables manufacturer based in India. The company has been in operation for over 50 years and has established itself as a significant player in the industry.

CMI specializes in the manufacturing of high-performance cables for various sectors including power, telecommunication, railways, petrochemicals, defense, space research, and more. Their product range includes power cables, control cables, instrumentation cables, specialized cables for rolling stock applications, signaling & telecom cables for railways among others.

One factor that sets CMI apart from its competitors is its focus on innovation and technology. The company consistently invests in state-of-the-art infrastructure to enhance product quality and introduce new products with advanced features. Additionally, CMI's commitment to sustainability can be seen through their eco-friendly practices such as using lead-free PVC compounds and investing in renewable energy sources.

CMI ' s dedication to delivering high-quality products combined with their emphasis on technological advancement has made them stand out amidst competition. Moreover,

< p >C MI < / p > Collaborations:

The company's collaborations with global leaders have further strengthened its position. It collaborates with international companies like BICC Cable Ltd., UK (now Prysmian), General Cable Corporation USA(Now Prysmian) , FURUKAWA Electric Company Ltd Japan etc which enables it to bring global best practices into its operations thereby offering world-class cable solutions to clients worldwide.< / p > Overall,CMI Limited continues to drive growth through innovative technologies,strong partnerships,and a commitment to excellence within the cable manufacturing industry.

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