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Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited (MAHEPC)
What MAHEPC does

Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited

What company does?Provides end-to-end solutions for efficient water management in agriculture, landscaping, and industrial applications.
Entity typePrivate
Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited is a share market listed company in the Industrial Products industry . It got listed on NSE on 14-FEB-2020 under the trading symbol MAHEPC. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol MAHEPC. The company operates in Agriculture , Water Management and Irrigation solutions categories.

Company overview

Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited is a subsidiary of the Mahindra Group, one of India's largest multinational conglomerates. The company specializes in providing end-to-end solutions for efficient water management and irrigation systems. With a focus on sustainable agriculture, it offers innovative products and services to support farmers in maximizing crop yield while conserving water resources.

One of the key areas where Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited excels is its range of advanced drip irrigation systems. These systems are designed to deliver precise quantities of water directly to the roots of plants, promoting optimal growth and minimizing wastage. This technology not only contributes to higher agricultural productivity but also helps conserve water by significantly reducing usage compared to traditional flood irrigation methods.

The company's comprehensive portfolio includes micro-irrigation solutions, sprinkler systems, fertigation equipment, greenhouse projects, and allied services such as agronomic support and maintenance. By offering tailored irrigation solutions suitable for various crop types and land sizes, Mahindra EPC caters to the diverse needs of farmers across different regions.

In addition to its product offerings, Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited stands out from competitors through its commitment to research and development. The company continually invests in developing cutting-edge technologies that enhance efficiency and sustainability in agricultural practices. Furthermore, collaborations with international partners have enabled Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited access to global best practices and expertise in precision farming techniques. Such partnerships contribute towards enriching their product line with state-of-the-art innovations. The company’s dedication towards empowering farmers with modernized yet eco-friendly irrigation solutions has earned it recognition as an industry leader within India's agriculture sector.
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