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Vindhya Telelinks Limited (VINDHYATEL)

Vindhya Telelinks Limited

What company does?Manufacturing and supplying of telecommunication cables and wires.
Entity typePrivate
Vindhya Telelinks Limited is a share market listed company in the Telecom - Infrastructure industry . It got listed on NSE on 08-FEB-1995 under the trading symbol VINDHYATEL. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol VINDHYATEL. The company operates in Telecommunications , Cables & Wires and Electrical Components categories.

Company overview

Vindhya Telelinks Limited is an established player in the telecommunications and power cable industry, with a strong presence in India and overseas markets. The company specializes in manufacturing various kinds of cables including jelly filled telephone cables, optical fiber cables, railway signaling cables, instrumentation cables, control cables, aerial telecommunication cables, and specialty application industrial grade armored or unarmored high-frequency co-axial telecom copper conductor cable. The company's extensive product range caters to diverse sectors such as telecommunications, railways, defense & space research organizations (DRDO/ISRO), oil refineries and petrochemicals industries. Vindhya Telelinks has also made its mark by providing turnkey solutions for laying underground optic fiber network across cities. One of the key factors that sets Vindhya Telelinks apart from its competitors is their relentless focus on innovation and technology advancement. They have set up state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that are equipped with cutting-edge machinery to ensure production efficiency and superior quality products. Additionally they have adopted innovative technologies like dry water blocking tape for optical fibers which enhances the performance and reliability of their products. Furthermore, the company emphasizes stringent quality control measures at every stage of production ensuring compliance with international standards such as ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems; ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management System; OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health And Safety Assessment Series; IS/ISO/IEC 17025 :2005 Testing Laboratory Accreditation In terms of collaborations and partnerships,Vindhyas' business strategy involves forging alliances both domestically & internationally with esteemed partners to enhance technical capabilities,and market reach.they recently collaboratedwith reputed foreign companies to expand thier customer basein South East Asia,Africa ,Middle east regions. Overall,Vindhya Telelinks Limited stands out due to its unwavering commitment towards technological advancements,in-depth understandingof client needsand maintaining exceptional product quality,reliabilityand timely delivery schedules..
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