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Affle (India) Limited (AFFLE)
What AFFLE does

Affle (India) Limited

What company does?Mobile marketing and advertising technology platform
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Affle (India) Limited is a share market listed company in the Information Technology industry . It got listed on NSE on 08-AUG-2019 under the trading symbol AFFLE. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol AFFLE. The company operates in Digital Marketing , Mobile Advertising and Data Analytics categories.

Company overview

Affle (India) Limited is a global technology company that specializes in mobile advertising and marketing. The company offers a wide range of consumer intelligence driven products, services, and platforms to help brands reach their target audience effectively through mobile advertising.

Affle's innovative technologies include the mFaaS (Mobile Audience as a Service) platform which leverages user-intent signals from online and offline data sources to deliver personalized content and ads tailored to each individual user. This allows businesses to optimize their marketing strategies by reaching the right users at the right time with relevant content.

The company has developed proprietary algorithms for predictive modeling, data analytics, and machine learning that enable them to deliver targeted advertising solutions across different digital channels including mobile apps, e-commerce platforms, social media networks, and more.

One of the key factors that make Affle stand out from its competitors is its focus on providing intelligent consumer insights based on real-time data analysis. By leveraging advanced technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, Affle is able to offer highly effective ad targeting capabilities for advertisers while ensuring an engaging experience for consumers.

In addition to its technological innovations, Affle has formed strategic partnerships with leading industry players such as Google, Facebook, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tencent Holdings Ltd., Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., among others. These collaborations have allowed Affle to expand its reach globally while also integrating cutting-edge features into its product offerings. Overall, Affle (India) Limited's commitment to leveraging advanced technologies combined with its strong industry partnerships positions it as a leader in delivering impactful mobile advertising solutions worldwide.
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