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Amber Enterprises India Limited (AMBER)
What AMBER does

Amber Enterprises India Limited

What company does?Manufactures air conditioners and related components.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Amber Enterprises India Limited is a share market listed company in the Consumer Durables industry . It got listed on NSE on 30-JAN-2018 under the trading symbol AMBER. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol AMBER. The company operates in Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances categories.

Company overview

Amber Enterprises India Limited is a prominent player in the Indian consumer durable industry, specializing in air conditioning products and components. The company provides end-to-end solutions for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of air conditioners, including design and development, testing, assembly, and logistics services.

With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities equipped with advanced technologies such as robotics and automation, Amber Enterprises has established itself as one of the leading integrated solutions providers in the industry.

The company's product portfolio includes a wide range of room air conditioners (RACs), split air conditioners (SACs), window air conditioners (WACs), indoor units/outdoor units for RACs & SACs, Inverter RAC outdoor units, cassette ACs & VRF systems. Amber also offers washing machines; refrigeration products like chest freezers; water dispensers; microwave ovens; dishwashers etc., thereby catering to diverse segments within the consumer durables space. In terms of innovation and technology adoption, Amber Enterprises constantly focuses on research and development to enhance its product offerings. It has collaborated with global brands like Daikin Industries Ltd., Panasonic Corporation among others which has helped it gain expertise in providing high-quality products at competitive prices. Moreover,the company’s commitment to sustainable practices through energy-efficient designs further sets it apart from competitors by offering eco-friendly solutions. Overall,Ambertech,a division formed under subsidiary Amber Pte.Ltd,is dedicated towards promoting smart living concepts through IoT enabled devices that can be controlled remotely via smartphones or other digital assistants setting new benchmarks for modern lifestyle preferences. Through these initiatives along with strategic collaborations,America enterprises continue to strengthen their position as an innovative leader within the consumer durables market.
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