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Antony Waste Handling Cell Limited (AWHCL)
What AWHCL does

Antony Waste Handling Cell Limited

What company does?Waste management and handling services
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Antony Waste Handling Cell Limited is a share market listed company in the Utilities industry . It got listed on NSE on 01-JAN-2021 under the trading symbol AWHCL. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol AWHCL. The company operates in Waste Management , Environmental Services and Recycling categories.

Company overview

Antony Waste Handling Cell Limited is a pioneer in solid waste management services in India. The company provides a full spectrum of services including solid waste collection, transportation, processing and disposal for municipal corporations as well as private companies. With over 19 years of experience in the field, Antony Waste Handling Cell has established itself as one of the leading players in the Indian waste management industry.

The company's extensive range of services includes mechanized sweeping, door-to-door collection, secondary transportation to transfer stations or treatment facilities, landfill capping systems construction, leachate extraction and removal system installation among others.

What sets Antony Waste Handling Cell apart from its competitors is its commitment to environmental sustainability through innovative technology and processes. The company utilizes advanced machinery such as compactors and shredders for efficient waste handling while adhering to stringent environmental regulations.

In addition to their core business operations, Antony Waste Handling Cell also focuses on promoting recycling initiatives by segregating dry and wet waste at source with the aim of maximizing resource recovery.

The company has secured partnerships with various municipal corporations across multiple states within India which demonstrates their reliability and expertise in managing large-scale projects efficiently. Their dedication towards incorporating cutting-edge technology into everyday operations ensures that they remain ahead of other contenders in the market. Overall, Antony Waste Handling Cell Limited stands out due to its unwavering focus on sustainable practices combined with state-of-the-art solutions tailored specifically for each client’s needs.
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