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Aptech Limited (APTECHT)
What APTECHT does

Aptech Limited

What company does?Provides training and education in the field of information technology.
Entity typePrivate
Aptech Limited is a share market listed company in the Education industry . It got listed on NSE on 27-SEP-2002 under the trading symbol APTECHT. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol APTECHT. The company operates in Education , Technology and Training services categories.

Company overview

Aptech Limited is a global learning solutions company that offers career and professional training through its extensive network of centers worldwide. The company has been in operation for over three decades and has established itself as a leader in the education and training industry.

Aptech provides a wide range of courses in IT, animation, aviation & hospitality, travel & tourism, finance & accounting, hardware & networking, and English language proficiency. These programs cater to individuals seeking skill development or looking to enhance their employability across various industries.

The company prides itself on leveraging innovative technology to deliver high-quality learning experiences. Aptech's e-learning platform enables students to access course materials online while receiving guidance from expert instructors remotely.

What sets Aptech apart from its competitors is its focus on creating job-ready professionals by offering industry-aligned curriculum designed in collaboration with leading corporations. This approach ensures that graduates are equipped with the skills needed to excel in today’s competitive job market.

In addition to providing comprehensive training services, Aptech also partners with universities and educational institutions globally to facilitate academic collaborations and exchange programs. Their strategic alliances contribute towards enhancing the quality of education delivered by these institutions.
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