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Arman Financial Services Limited (ARMANFIN)
What ARMANFIN does

Arman Financial Services Limited

What company does?Provides financial services including microfinance, vehicle loans, and SME finance.
Entity typePrivate
Arman Financial Services Limited is a share market listed company in the Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) industry . It got listed on NSE on 14-JUN-2016 under the trading symbol ARMANFIN. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol ARMANFIN. The company operates in Finance , Investment , Loans and Wealth Management categories.

Company overview

Arman Financial Services Limited is a prominent non-banking financial company (NBFC) based in India. Established in 1992, the company primarily focuses on providing microfinance and vehicle financing services to underserved individuals and small businesses in rural and semi-urban areas.

Arman Financial Services offers a range of financial products including loans for two-wheelers, three-wheelers, commercial vehicles, as well as personal loans. Their microfinance arm extends credit facilities to women from low-income households to support various income-generating activities.

One factor that sets Arman Financial Services apart from its competitors is its commitment to leveraging technology for efficient operations. The company has implemented innovative digital solutions such as mobile-based loan disbursements and collections, allowing them to reach remote customers while ensuring transparency and security. Additionally, Arman Financial Services has strategically expanded its presence through partnerships with local organizations and government initiatives aimed at fostering financial inclusion. This collaborative approach enables the company to penetrate deeper into untapped markets where access to formal banking services remains limited. In terms of performance, Arman Financial Services has demonstrated steady growth over the years, showcasing resilience even during challenging economic conditions. With a customer-centric approach and a focus on responsible lending practices, the company continues to make significant strides in empowering communities through accessible finance options.
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