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Aro Granite Industries Limited (AROGRANITE)

Aro Granite Industries Limited

What company does?Granite processing and manufacturing of granite tiles and slabs.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Aro Granite Industries Limited is a share market listed company in the Granites & Marbles industry . It got listed on NSE on 24-APR-2007 under the trading symbol AROGRANITE. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol AROGRANITE. The company operates in Granite , Marble and Tiles and Stones categories.

Company overview

Aro Granite Industries Limited is a leading exporter and manufacturer of granite tiles, slabs, and cut-to-size for projects worldwide. The company operates through its two manufacturing units located in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, which are equipped with cutting edge technology to produce high-quality granite products. The company's product portfolio includes an extensive range of exquisite granite offerings such as Black Galaxy, Kashmir White, Madura Gold, Ghibli (Raw Silk), Seaweed Green, Lavender Blue and Vizag Blue. Aro Granite caters to the diverse needs of its customers by offering polished, flamed or honed finishes on their products. In terms of innovation and technology adoption, Aro Granite has embraced modern machinery like multi-blade block cutter machines for precision cutting and calibration equipment for achieving accurate thicknesses. This emphasis on technological advancement enables the company to deliver superior quality products efficiently. One aspect that sets Aro Granite apart from competitors is its commitment to sustainable practices in mining and production processes. The company places great importance on environmental conservation by adhering strictly to pollution control norms while quarrying raw materials. Additionally, it actively engages in reforestation efforts around its mining areas as part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives. Moreover,Aro Granite has strategically partnered with international companies to expand its market reach globally. These collaborations have allowed the company to establish a strong presence in various countries across Europe, North America,and Asia-Pacific regions. Overall,AroGranite Industries Limited stands out due toits dedication towards producing top-notchgraniteproducts,sustainabilityfocusandglobalmarketpenetrationthroughstrategicpartnerships.

As per verified information available,thecompanyholdsanexcellenttrackrecordofconsistencyinqualityandservicewhichhascontributedtoitsestablishmentasapreferredsupplierintheglobalgranitemarket.


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