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Arshiya Limited (ARSHIYA)
What ARSHIYA does

Arshiya Limited

What company does?Provides integrated logistics and supply chain services.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Arshiya Limited is a share market listed company in the Logistics Solution Provider industry . It got listed on NSE on 14-DEC-2009 under the trading symbol ARSHIYA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol ARSHIYA. The company operates in Logistics , Warehousing , Transportation and Supply Chain Management categories.

Company overview

Arshiya Limited is a leading Indian conglomerate that operates in the areas of integrated logistics, free trade warehousing zones (FTWZ), domestic and international container rail transportation, supply chain solutions, and information technology. The company has established itself as a pioneer in providing innovative logistics infrastructure and services to various industry segments.

With a focus on delivering end-to-end logistics solutions, Arshiya offers an array of services including customs bonded warehousing, 3PL/4PL services, cold storage facilities, project cargo handling, multimodal transport operations, and more.

The company's flagship offering is its Free Trade Warehousing Zones (FTWZs) which are strategically located near seaports and airports. These FTWZs provide state-of-the-art infrastructure for companies engaged in trading and manufacturing activities by offering them tax benefits along with efficient storage and distribution mechanisms. In terms of technological innovation, Arshiya Limited has implemented advanced IT systems to streamline its operations. The use of cutting-edge technologies such as RFID tracking, warehouse management software, real-time inventory monitoring systems ensures high efficiency and accuracy throughout the supply chain process. One key factor that sets Arshiya apart from its competitors is its focus on sustainability initiatives within the logistics sector. By incorporating eco-friendly practices into their operations - such as energy-efficient warehouses and green transportation methods - they have positioned themselves as leaders in sustainable logistics solutions. Additionally,

Arshiya has formed strategic partnerships with global players to enhance its service offerings. Its collaboration with international shipping lines enables seamless connectivity between ports while also strengthening its position in the global trade network.


Arshiya Limited's commitment to innovation, sustainability efforts


and comprehensive range of logistical services make it a standout player in India's competitive logistics landscape.

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