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Banka BioLoo Limited (BANKA)
What BANKA does

Banka BioLoo Limited

What company does?Provides eco-friendly bio-toilets and sanitation solutions.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Banka BioLoo Limited is a share market listed company in the Pollution & Treatment Controls industry . It got listed on NSE on 29-OCT-2020 under the trading symbol BANKA. The company operates in Sanitation , Waste Management and Environmental Services categories.

Company overview

Banka BioLoo Limited is an Indian firm that specializes in providing sustainable and eco-friendly human waste management solutions. The company was established with the aim of addressing the critical issue of sanitation and hygiene, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas.

Banka BioLoo offers a range of innovative bio-digester toilets that are designed to decompose human waste in an environmentally friendly manner. These bio-toilets utilize bacterial culture to treat the waste, thereby eliminating the need for septic tanks or sewage systems.

The company's products cater to various sectors including schools, colleges, public places, urban infrastructure projects, corporate offices, residential complexes, and more. Their offerings not only provide access to clean and safe sanitation facilities but also contribute significantly towards environmental conservation.

One aspect which sets Banka Bioloo apart from its competitors is its focus on sustainability and social impact. By leveraging indigenous technology coupled with ongoing R&D efforts, they have been able to offer affordable yet effective solutions for managing human waste without causing harm to the environment. In addition to their commitment towards promoting sustainable practices within India, Banka BioLoo has garnered attention internationally as well. They have partnered with organizations like UNICEF and received recognition for their contribution towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 - ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Their dedication towards creating a positive societal impact while offering practical solutions makes Banka BioLoo stand out amongst other players in this sector.
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