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Coal India Limited (COALINDIA)

Coal India Limited

What company does?Coal mining and production
Entity typeGovernment
SegmentB2B, B2C
Coal India Limited is a share market listed company in the Coal industry . It got listed on NSE on 04-NOV-2010 under the trading symbol COALINDIA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol COALINDIA. The company operates in Mining , Energy and Natural Resources categories.

Company overview

Coal India Limited (CIL) is a state-owned coal mining corporation in India. It is the largest coal producer company in the world and contributes around 82% of the coal production in India. The company produces non-coking coal and coking coal of various grades for diverse applications.

CIL operates through 83 mining areas spread over eight provincial states of India, producing high-quality raw material required for power generation, steel making, cement production, and other industrial applications. The company also engages in exploration, planning, design development, and research activities to promote sustainable energy security for the country.

One of CIL's significant contributions has been its adoption of innovative technologies such as surface miners which have improved operational efficiency while minimizing environmental impact by reducing emissions. This technology enables precise extraction of minerals with reduced wastage and contamination compared to traditional methods.

The key factor that sets Coal India Limited apart from its competitors is its massive scale of operations coupled with advanced technological interventions aimed at maximizing productivity while adhering to stringent environmental standards. Additionally, CIL's extensive distribution network ensures efficient supply chain management across diverse industries relying on coal as an essential input.

In terms of collaborations and partnerships, Coal India Limited has joined forces with multiple organizations including government bodies and private enterprises to drive innovation in sustainable mining practices along with promoting cleaner energy initiatives focusing on renewable sources like solar power.

Overall,CIL’s commitment towards ensuring responsible utilizationof natural resources while fostering technological advancements makes it a formidable force in the globalcoal industry.
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