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EID Parry India Limited (EIDPARRY)
What EIDPARRY does

EID Parry India Limited

What company does?Sugar manufacturing, Nutraceuticals, Bio-products, and Distillery
Entity typePrivate
EID Parry India Limited is a share market listed company in the Fertilizers industry . It got listed on NSE on 10-MAY-1995 under the trading symbol EIDPARRY. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol EIDPARRY. The company operates in Agriculture , Sugar and Nutraceuticals categories.

Company overview

EID Parry India Limited, a part of the Murugappa Group, is a leading agri-business company based in Chennai, India. The company has a rich history dating back to 1788 when it was established by Thomas Parry as a merchant and shipping agent.

EID Parry operates across various business segments including sugar, nutraceuticals, bio-products, and farm inputs. Its product portfolio includes sugar, alcohol, co-generation of power, organic fertilizers, and plant nutrients.

The company's flagship brand "Parry's" is well-known for its range of products such as Demerara Sugar and Baking Soda. EID Parry also focuses on sustainable agriculture practices through its subsidiary companies involved in bio-pesticides and crop protection solutions. One significant aspect that sets EID Parry apart from its competitors is its focus on innovation and sustainability. The company has been at the forefront of developing innovative technologies for sugarcane cultivation to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact. This commitment to sustainability has earned EID Parry recognition within the industry. In addition to this, EID Parry has collaborated with global research institutions to develop high-quality nutraceutical products derived from natural sources. These collaborations have helped the company expand its product offerings into value-added health supplements made from botanical extracts. Overall, EID Parry stands out due to its long-standing presence in the market coupled with continuous efforts towards innovation and sustainable practices.
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