Note: All prices and reports are based on end of the day (EOD) data.
What FORCEMOT does


What company does?Manufacturing of vehicles and engines, especially utility vehicles, tractors, and heavy commercial vehicles.
Entity typePrivate
FORCE MOTORS LTD is a share market listed company in the Passenger Cars & Utility Vehicles industry . It got listed on NSE on 14-FEB-2024 under the trading symbol FORCEMOT. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol FORCEMOT. The company operates in Automotive , Manufacturing and Commercial Vehicles categories.

Company overview

Force Motors Ltd. is a leading automotive company in India, renowned for its production of utility vehicles, light commercial vehicles (LCVs), and agricultural tractors. The company has a rich history dating back to 1958 when it was established as Bajaj Tempo Ltd., later rebranded as Force Motors in 2005. The primary focus of Force Motors lies in the manufacturing of advanced diesel engines, which are not only used in their own vehicles but also supplied to prominent automobile manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz and BMW. Their diverse product range includes popular models like Trax, Gurkha, Traveller, and Balwan tractor series – catering to both commercial and personal transportation needs. One key factor that sets Force Motors apart from its competitors is its commitment to innovation and technological advancement. The company has invested significantly in research & development activities resulting in cutting-edge engineering solutions for their products. This emphasis on innovation enables them to produce high-performance vehicles with superior fuel efficiency and lower emissions. Furthermore, Force Motors has garnered attention through strategic collaborations with global players like Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG (formerly known as Tognum AG) - a partnership that focuses on producing state-of-the-art engines under the brand "Force-BMW". This collaboration has enhanced the technological prowess of the company while expanding its market reach globally. In addition to this, Force Motors' dedication towards sustainability is evident through their efforts in developing electric mobility solutions aligned with environmental conservation initiatives. With an unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction coupled with innovative technology integration into their vehicle lineup, Force Motors continues to uphold its position as an industry leader.
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