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Global Vectra Helicorp Limited (GLOBALVECT)

Global Vectra Helicorp Limited

What company does?Provides helicopter services for offshore transportation, onshore transportation, geophysical survey, and medical evacuation.
Entity typePrivate
Global Vectra Helicorp Limited is a share market listed company in the Airline industry . It got listed on NSE on 27-OCT-2006 under the trading symbol GLOBALVECT. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol GLOBALVECT. The company operates in Aviation Services , Helicopter Transportation and Aircraft Maintenance categories.

Company overview

Global Vectra Helicorp Limited is a leading helicopter services company based in India. Established in 1998, the company has become one of the largest private helicopter operators in the country. Global Vectra offers a wide range of aviation services including offshore transportation for oil and gas companies, VIP charters, aerial photography, medical evacuation, search and rescue operations, corporate travel, and more. The company operates a diverse fleet of helicopters consisting of various models from industry-leading manufacturers such as Airbus Helicopters and Bell Helicopter. These state-of-the-art aircraft are equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure safety, reliability, and efficiency in all their operations. One key factor that sets Global Vectra apart from its competitors is its unwavering commitment to safety and quality. The company adheres to stringent international standards for maintenance practices and operational procedures. This focus on excellence has earned Global Vectra numerous accolades and certifications within the aviation industry. In addition to its impressive track record in commercial helicopter operations, Global Vectra also provides comprehensive training programs for pilots and engineers through its subsidiary - GVHL Academy. The academy offers courses designed to meet global aviation standards while imparting practical skills necessary for successful careers in the field. Furthermore, Global Vectra has established strategic partnerships with major players in the energy sector which enables them to provide efficient logistics support for offshore oil exploration activities. These collaborations have positioned the company as a trusted partner for meeting critical transportation needs within challenging environments. Overall, Global Vectra Helicorp Limited stands out due to its strong emphasis on safety measures; modern fleet equipped with advanced technologies; diversified service offerings catering to various industries; prestigious certifications; renowned training programs; strategic alliances with key industry stakeholders.

Global Vecta Helicorp Limited is an Indian-based helicopter services provider offering a variety of aviation solutions since 1998.

Their wide array of services includes offshore transportation for oil & gas companies,

VIP charters,

aerial photography,

medical evacuation,

search & rescue operations,

corporate travel among others.

Their diverse fleet consists mainly of helicopters manufactured by Airbus Helicopters and BellHelicopter,
which feature top-notch technology aimed at ensuring maximumsafety, reliability,andefficiencyinoperations.
Their dedicationtoexcellencehasresultedinnumerousaccoladesandinclusionofthehighestinternationalstandardsfortheirmaintenancepracticesandoperationalprocedures.Theirmeticulousfocusonqualityandsafetymakes them stand outfromcompetitorswithinthefield.
Additionally,theystandapartdueto theirGVH LAcademy divisionwhichofferscomprehensivecoursesforcaptainsandengineersthataredesignedtomeettodaysglobalaviationrequirementswhilstinstillingessentialhands-onskillsthatleadtosuccessfulcareerintheindustry.Theyalsohavestrategicpartnershipsinsidetheenergysector,enablingthemtoprovideefficientlogisticalsupportforexplorationactivities.Theseallianceshavesteadiedthemasthego-tocompanyformeetingcriticaltransportationneedsunderadverseconditions

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