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Gravita India Limited (GRAVITA)
What GRAVITA does

Gravita India Limited

What company does?Lead battery scrap recycling, lead metal products, and polypropylene.
Entity typePrivate
Gravita India Limited is a share market listed company in the Industrial Minerals industry . It got listed on NSE on 16-NOV-2010 under the trading symbol GRAVITA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol GRAVITA. The company operates in Lead , Recycling and Battery Manufacturing categories.

Company overview

Gravita India Limited is a leading recycling company that specializes in providing solutions for lead and lead products. The company has a global presence, with operations spread across several countries including India, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal, the United Arab Emirates, and Tanzania. The core business of Gravita revolves around the environmentally friendly recycling of lead from various sources such as automotive batteries (lead-acid batteries), lead scrap, and other lead-bearing materials. They utilize advanced technologies to extract pure lead and plastic from these sources through their state-of-the-art recycling plants.

Gravita's product portfolio includes refined lead ingots, aluminum alloys & bricks used in steel industries; polypropylene chips produced by refining plastic obtained from battery cases; and Lead Oxides which are widely utilized in manufacturing plates used in Batteries.

One of the key factors that sets Gravita apart from its competitors is its commitment to environmental sustainability. By focusing on eco-friendly practices like effective waste management and green production processes—such as using solar power—they have established themselves as an industry leader in sustainable resource management. In addition to their innovative technology-driven approach towards recycling, the company also stands out due to its extensive network and collaborations with major players within the industry. For instance, they've partnered with renowned automobile manufacturers for responsibly managing end-of-life vehicle batteries—a testament to their dedication toward promoting a circular economy model.
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