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Indian Terrain Fashions Limited (INDTERRAIN)

Indian Terrain Fashions Limited

What company does?Clothing and apparel retail
Entity typePrivate
Indian Terrain Fashions Limited is a share market listed company in the Garments & Apparels industry . It got listed on NSE on 11-MAR-2011 under the trading symbol INDTERRAIN. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol INDTERRAIN. The company operates in Men's Clothing , Casual Wear , Outdoor Apparel and Fashion Accessories categories.

Company overview

Indian Terrain Fashions Limited is a leading Indian apparel brand that offers a wide range of clothing for men and boys. The company was established in 2000, with its headquarters located in Chennai, India. It operates through a network of exclusive brand outlets, large format stores, and multi-brand outlets across the country. The company's product line includes shirts, trousers, t-shirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters, and denim. They are known for their high-quality fabrics and stylish designs that cater to both formal and casual wear requirements. Indian Terrain has positioned itself as a lifestyle brand offering contemporary fashion with an authentic touch. One aspect that sets Indian Terrain apart from its competitors is its focus on blending international trends with Indian sensibilities. This approach allows the brand to resonate well with the modern consumer while retaining elements of traditional style. In terms of technology and innovation, Indian Terrain has been proactive in leveraging digital platforms for marketing and sales. The company has also adopted sustainable practices by incorporating eco-friendly materials into its products wherever possible. Indian Terrain has collaborated with various renowned designers to create exclusive collections that have garnered positive attention from fashion enthusiasts. Additionally, they have partnered with online marketplaces to expand their reach and accessibility to customers worldwide. Overall, Indian Terrain Fashions Limited stands out due to its commitment to delivering fashionable yet functional clothing options while embracing sustainability initiatives.

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