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Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL)
What IGL does

Indraprastha Gas Limited

What company does?Distribution and marketing of natural gas in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Rewari, Gurugram & Karnal.
Entity typePrivate
Indraprastha Gas Limited is a share market listed company in the LPG/CNG/PNG/LNG Supplier industry . It got listed on NSE on 26-DEC-2003 under the trading symbol IGL. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol IGL. The company operates in Energy , Natural Gas and Utilities categories.

Company overview

Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) is a leading natural gas distribution company in India. It was established in 1998 as a joint venture between GAIL (India) Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, and the Government of NCT of Delhi.

The primary business of IGL involves retailing compressed natural gas (CNG) to automobiles and piped natural gas (PNG) to households, commercial establishments, and industrial units in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and its neighboring cities such as Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Muzzafarnagar, Rewari, Karnal, Gurugram etc.

One significant aspect that sets IGL apart from its competitors is its commitment to promoting clean energy solutions. The company has played a pivotal role in reducing vehicular pollution by providing CNG as an alternative fuel for vehicles. Additionally, it has actively contributed towards creating a greener environment through the expansion of PNG infrastructure for domestic and industrial use.

IGL's innovative technology includes advanced systems for monitoring gas supply networks ensuring efficient delivery with minimum wastage. Moreover, the company continuously invests in research and development to enhance safety standards while delivering cost-effective services.

In terms of collaborations and partnerships, Indraprastha Gas Limited has joined hands with various entities including automobile manufacturers like Maruti Suzuki & Hyundai Motor India to promote factory-fitted CNG vehicles which further strengthens their position in the market.

The consistent focus on sustainability coupled with technological advancements has made Indraprastha Gas Limited stand out among its peers within the industry leading them towards becoming one of India’s foremost natural gas distribution companies.

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