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Likhitha Infrastructure Limited (LIKHITHA)
What LIKHITHA does

Likhitha Infrastructure Limited

What company does?Provides natural gas distribution, construction of gas pipelines, and infrastructure development services.
Entity typePrivate
Likhitha Infrastructure Limited is a share market listed company in the Construction industry . It got listed on NSE on 15-OCT-2020 under the trading symbol LIKHITHA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol LIKHITHA. The company operates in Construction , Real Estate and Infrastructure categories.

Company overview

Likhitha Infrastructure Limited is a leading infrastructure company based in Hyderabad, India. The company primarily focuses on laying pipeline networks for the oil and gas sector. It provides end-to-end services, including designing, laying, testing, and commissioning of hydrocarbon pipelines.

Likhitha Infrastructure offers its expertise in various segments such as natural gas, crude oil, petroleum products, and water supply projects. Its services also encompass civil construction activities related to the establishment of City Gas Distribution (CGD) networks.

The company's innovative approach lies in leveraging advanced technologies for pipeline installation and monitoring. Likhitha uses Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technology for trenchless pipe laying operations which minimizes surface disruption and environmental impact.

What sets Likhitha apart from its competitors is its strong focus on quality, safety standards, timely project delivery, and cost-effectiveness. The company has built a reputation for executing complex projects with precision while adhering to stringent industry regulations.

In recent years, Likhitha Infrastructure has expanded its presence by securing partnerships with major players in the energy sector. These collaborations have enabled the company to undertake larger-scale projects and diversify its service offerings across different geographies.
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