Note: All prices and reports are based on end of the day (EOD) data.
Naga Dhunseri Group Limited (NDGL)
What NDGL does

Naga Dhunseri Group Limited

What company does?Diversified business including tea, hospitality, real estate, and healthcare.
Entity typePrivate
Naga Dhunseri Group Limited is a share market listed company in the Capital Markets industry . It got listed on NSE on 29-AUG-2016 under the trading symbol NDGL. The company operates in Manufacturing and Conglomerate categories.

Company overview

Naga Dhunseri Group Limited is a prominent conglomerate based in India with diversified business interests across various sectors. The company has made significant strides in industries such as tea, hospitality, real estate, and more.

The group's primary focus lies in the production of high-quality tea. With several estates under its belt, Naga Dhunseri Group has established itself as a major player in the Indian tea industry. Their commitment to sustainable practices and adherence to stringent quality standards have contributed to their reputation for producing some of the finest teas.

Furthermore, the company also has a presence in the hospitality sector through its ownership and management of luxury hotels that offer world-class services and amenities.

In addition to these core areas, Naga Dhunseri Group has ventured into real estate development by creating innovative residential spaces that prioritize modern living concepts while maintaining environmental sustainability.

One standout feature that sets Naga Dhunseri Group apart from its competitors is its dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovation within its operations. From employing state-of-the-art machinery for tea production to incorporating eco-friendly architecture in their real estate projects, the group continually seeks ways to stay ahead of industry trends. Collaborations and partnerships play an integral role in shaping Naga Dhunseri Group's success story. The company strategically aligns itself with like-minded organizations or individuals who share their vision for excellence and growth. These collaborations enable them to access new markets, expand their product offerings, and enhance overall operational efficiency. In conclusion, Naga Dhunseri Group Limited stands out not only due to its diverse portfolio but also because of its unwavering commitment towards quality, innovation, sustainability,and strategic partnerships – all contributing factors that position it as a leader within multiple industries.
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