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NMDC Limited (NMDC)
What NMDC does

NMDC Limited

What company does?Mining and mineral exploration, production of iron ore, diamonds, etc.
Entity typeGovernment
NMDC Limited is a share market listed company in the Industrial Minerals industry . It got listed on NSE on 03-MAR-2008 under the trading symbol NMDC. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol NMDC. The company operates in Mining , Iron Ore Mining and Steel production categories.

Company overview

NMDC Limited, formerly known as National Mineral Development Corporation, is a state-controlled mineral producer of the Government of India. Established in 1958, NMDC operates iron ore mines and has diversified into production of value-added products such as steel and other minerals.

The company's primary focus lies in exploring, exploiting, processing, and marketing various minerals including iron ore, copper, rock phosphate, limestone among others. It also involves in the exploration of a wide range of minerals like gold, diamond etc.

NMDC stands out from its competitors through its technological advancements in mining operations. The deployment of innovative technologies for efficient extraction and processing has positioned the company as a leader in the Indian mining industry. The company holds numerous accolades for its commitment to sustainable development practices. It consistently invests significant resources into research and development to optimize environmental impact while maximizing resource output. In addition to this, NMDC actively participates in various corporate social responsibility initiatives aimed at uplifting local communities residing near its operational areas by providing healthcare facilities, education opportunities and livelihood support. Furthermore,NMDC has collaborated with several domestic and international partners to leverage specialized expertise across different segments within the mineral industry. These collaborations have enabled it to expand its product portfolio while enhancing operational efficiencies.
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