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Olectra Greentech Limited (OLECTRA)
What OLECTRA does

Olectra Greentech Limited

What company does?Manufactures and markets electric buses, electrical vehicle components, and related services.
Entity typePrivate
Olectra Greentech Limited is a share market listed company in the Passenger Cars & Utility Vehicles industry . It got listed on NSE on 20-MAR-2002 under the trading symbol OLECTRA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol OLECTRA. The company operates in Electric Vehicles , Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology categories.

Company overview

Olectra Greentech Limited is a leading provider of electric mobility solutions in India. The company specializes in the manufacturing and deployment of electric buses, making significant strides towards sustainable transportation. Olectra operates under the brand name 'Evey' for its e-buses and has been instrumental in revolutionizing public transport with zero-emission vehicles.

One of the key products offered by Olectra Greentech is their range of Electric Buses that are designed to address the environmental challenges posed by traditional diesel-powered buses. These e-buses not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provide a quieter and smoother ride experience.

Olectra Greentech stands out from its competitors due to its focus on innovation and technology integration. The company has partnered with BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd., a global leader in electric vehicle manufacturing, thereby leveraging cutting-edge technological advancements to deliver high-performance electric buses.

The collaboration with BYD has enabled Olectra Greentech to incorporate innovative battery technologies such as lithium iron phosphate batteries, which enhance energy density, safety, and longevity compared to traditional lead-acid batteries commonly used in other e-vehicles.

Moreover, Olectra's commitment to quality standards and adherence to international norms sets it apart within the industry. The company’s dedication towards eco-friendly initiatives aligns with India's ambitious goals for electrification of public transportation systems. The successful deployment of their Evey series electric buses across various states in India underscores Olectra's leadership position in driving widespread adoption of green mobility solutions.
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