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One 97 Communications Limited (PAYTM)
What PAYTM does

One 97 Communications Limited

What company does?Provides digital payment solutions, operates Paytm brand.
Entity typePrivate
One 97 Communications Limited is a share market listed company in the Financial Services industry . It got listed on NSE on 18-NOV-2021 under the trading symbol PAYTM. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol PAYTM. The company operates in Technology , Mobile Payments and Digital Services categories.

Company overview

One 97 Communications Limited, commonly known as Paytm, is a leading Indian e-commerce payment system and financial technology company based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Established in August 2010 by Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the firm initially started as a mobile recharge platform but rapidly expanded to offer an array of services including bill payments, booking movie tickets, travel bookings, and online shopping.

Paytm's versatile range of products and services includes its flagship digital wallet (Paytm Wallet), Paytm Payments Bank which provides banking services through its app and website, Paytm Money for investment opportunities such as mutual funds and gold bonds trading.

In addition to these offerings, the company has ventured into other sectors such as insurance with Paytm Insurance Broking Private Ltd., commerce with Paytm Mall - an online marketplace offering various consumer goods ranging from electronics to fashion items.

One significant factor that sets One 97 Communications apart from competitors is their widespread adoption of innovative technologies. The company utilizes AI-driven algorithms for fraud detection in transactions on its platform. Furthermore, it leverages Big Data analytics for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized recommendations. With over 350 million registered users across India using their plethora of services makes them one of the largest players in the country’s digital finance ecosystem. In terms of collaboration or partnerships; they have collaborated with several entities like Uber where customers can use their wallets to pay for rides.
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