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Praj Industries Limited (PRAJIND)
What PRAJIND does

Praj Industries Limited

What company does?Design, engineering, manufacturing, supply, and installation of plants and equipment for various industries including bioethanol, breweries, water & wastewater treatment.
Entity typePrivate
Praj Industries Limited is a share market listed company in the Industrial Products industry . It got listed on NSE on 11-OCT-1995 under the trading symbol PRAJIND. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol PRAJIND. The company operates in Biofuel , Renewable Energy , Biotechnology and Process Engineering categories.

Company overview

Praj Industries Limited is a globally renowned Indian company that specializes in providing innovative solutions to the bio-energy, ethanol, and brewery industries. Established in 1983, Praj has evolved into a leading process engineering and EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) company with a strong focus on sustainable development.

The core business of Praj Industries revolves around providing cutting-edge technology and comprehensive solutions for bioethanol production from various feedstocks such as sugarcane juice, molasses, corn, cassava, wheat, and cellulosic biomass. The company also offers advanced technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater along with biogas generation through anaerobic digestion.

Praj's product portfolio includes state-of-the-art plants for bioethanol production which are designed to maximize efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the company provides proprietary technologies like Enfinity – an advanced molecular sieve dehydration system which enhances energy savings during ethanol distillation processes.

One of the key factors that sets Praj apart from its competitors is its continuous innovation in developing sustainable solutions for renewable energy and related sectors. With over 750 references across 75 countries worldwide, Praj has established itself as a trusted partner offering end-to-end project execution capabilities alongside best-in-class technological advancements. Moreover,, Praj collaborates with various global research institutions,s universities,, In recent years, <\b>i,this entity will enable new opportunities via low carbon intensity fuels- based chemicals , polymers besides promoting sustainability goals& eco-friendly products ." Overall. The extensive range of services offered byPrakjas wellat multitudeofpatentsreflectstheircommitmenttocontinuousinnovationandresearchinbio-renewablespace.Prajequipsitsclientlimitlessoptionsandflexibilitytomeettheiruniquebusinessrequirementswhileensuringenvironmentalresponsibilityattheforefront.Withitsexemplarytrackrecord,Praispositionedasaforerunnerinthegl.obalbio-refiningtechnologysolutionsmarket.Thecompanycontinuestoempowerwithanextensiveglobalpresenceandanunyieldingdedicationtoprovidingsuperiorqualityproductsandservicesacrossdiverseindustrialverticalssuchasthebiofuelsbrewerychemicalsandwastewatermanagementsectors.Itscollaborativeapproachfurtherbolsterstscompetenceintroducinggame-changingadvancementstoaddresscriticalchallengesposedbyconventionalprocesses.Throughthesefactors,PrajIndustriesemergesasaforcefulentitythatnotonlyembracesbutalsopioneersustainablepracticesforglobalwell-beingandinclusivedevelopmentinitiatives..
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