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Pritish Nandy Communications Limited (PNC)
What PNC does

Pritish Nandy Communications Limited

What company does?Media and entertainment production, publishing, and digital content creation.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Pritish Nandy Communications Limited is a share market listed company in the Film Production- Distribution & Exhibition industry . It got listed on NSE on 11-DEC-2000 under the trading symbol PNC. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol PNC. The company operates in Media & Entertainment , Film production and Digital Content Creation categories.

Company overview

Pritish Nandy Communications Limited (PNCL) is a prominent Indian media and entertainment company, widely recognized for its diverse range of creative content. Founded by Pritish Nandy, an acclaimed journalist, poet, politician, and film producer in 1993, PNCL has established itself as a trailblazer in the industry.

PNCL's portfolio encompasses various segments such as films, television programming, digital content creation, publishing of books and magazines, event management services along with talent management. The company prides itself on producing high-quality and compelling content that resonates with audiences across different mediums.

The company stands out from its competitors due to its innovative approach towards storytelling and consistent delivery of engaging narratives through different platforms. Additionally, PNCL collaborates with leading talents in the industry to create groundbreaking projects which have garnered critical acclaim along with commercial success.

One notable partnership includes their collaboration with Zee5 - one of India's largest streaming platforms. The partnership aimed at creating original web series providing viewers access to unique stories produced by PNCL. Furthermore,PNC has also been involved in several successful joint ventures including those related to music production,digital marketing & distribution among others making it a truly integrated entity within the media space. In terms of technological innovation,the company constantly explores new avenues like immersive technologies,virtual reality etc.,to enhance viewer experience,promote interactivity& engagement With an impressive track record spanning decades,Pritish Nandy Communications Limited continues to be a dominant force shaping the landscape of India's media and entertainment industry.
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