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PTL Enterprises Limited (PTL)
What PTL does

PTL Enterprises Limited

What company does?Manufacturing and distribution of industrial chemicals and agricultural products.
Entity typePrivate
PTL Enterprises Limited is a share market listed company in the Diversified Commercial Services industry . It got listed on NSE on 29-JAN-2007 under the trading symbol PTL. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol PTL. The company operates in Food & Beverage , Agriculture and Packaging & Paper categories.

Company overview

PTL Enterprises Limited is an Indian company engaged in the production and marketing of dairy products, primarily under its brand "Vijaya." The company was established in 1993 with a focus on providing high-quality milk and other dairy products to consumers. PTL has since expanded its product range to include ghee, butter, paneer (cottage cheese), curd, flavored milk, and ice cream.

One of the key factors that set PTL Enterprises apart from its competitors is their commitment to quality control at every stage of production. They have implemented innovative technology and stringent processes to ensure that their customers receive safe and superior dairy products.

The company also stands out due to its extensive network of over 4,000 village-level collection centers where they procure fresh milk directly from farmers. This allows them to maintain the freshness and nutritional value of their dairy offerings while supporting local agricultural communities. In addition to focusing on traditional dairy items, PTL has ventured into more innovative segments such as probiotic drinks that cater to health-conscious consumers seeking functional beverages.

As part of its growth strategy, PTL Enterprises Limited has forged partnerships with international organizations for knowledge exchange and technological advancements in the field of dairy processing.

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