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Quintegra Solutions Limited (QUINTEGRA)

Quintegra Solutions Limited

What company does?Quintegra Solutions Limited provides IT consulting, technology services, and outsourcing solutions.
Entity typePrivate
Quintegra Solutions Limited is a share market listed company in the Computers - Software & Consulting industry . It got listed on NSE on 20-DEC-2000 under the trading symbol QUINTEGRA. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol QUINTEGRA. The company operates in Information Technology , Software Development , Consulting Services and Business Process Outsourcing categories.

Company overview

Quintegra Solutions Limited is a global IT services and consulting company that provides innovative, high-quality solutions to businesses across various industries. The company offers a wide range of services including software development, digital transformation, cloud computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, and enterprise mobility solutions.

At the core of Quintegra's offerings are its cutting-edge technology solutions aimed at helping organizations streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and achieve business growth. The company leverages advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain to deliver tailor-made products and services.

One of the key factors that make Quintegra stand out from its competitors is its focus on innovation and agility in adapting to the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Through continuous research and development efforts, the company stays ahead in delivering state-of-the-art solutions that meet industry-specific requirements while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

The company has established strategic partnerships with leading technology providers like Microsoft, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Oracle, SAP etc., enabling them to integrate best-in-class tools into their solutions for enhanced performance. With a strong track record of successful project deliveries globally spanning over 20 years since its inception in 1994 , Quintegra Solutions Limited continues to be recognized as a trusted partner for businesses seeking transformative digital solutions.
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