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Rallis India Limited (RALLIS)
What RALLIS does

Rallis India Limited

What company does?Agrochemicals, Crop Protection, Seeds, Fertilizers
Entity typePrivate
Rallis India Limited is a share market listed company in the Pesticides & Agrochemicals industry . It got listed on NSE on 01-APR-1999 under the trading symbol RALLIS. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol RALLIS. The company operates in Agricultural Chemicals , Crop Protection Products and Agrochemicals categories.

Company overview

Rallis India Limited is a leading agrochemical company that operates as a subsidiary of the Tata Group. The company primarily engages in the manufacture and marketing of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and plant growth nutrients for agriculture. Rallis also offers seeds, micronutrients, and other agricultural solutions to cater to the diverse needs of farmers.

Rallis India has been at the forefront of developing innovative farming technologies to enhance crop productivity while mitigating environmental impact. Its research and development endeavors focus on creating sustainable solutions for pest management and improving soil health.

The company's flagship products include iconic brands like Asataf (herbicide), Confidor (insecticide), Metasystox (miticide), Contaf Plus (fungicide), among others. These offerings have gained widespread recognition within the industry due to their effectiveness in crop protection. One factor that sets Rallis apart from its competitors is its strong emphasis on farmer-centric initiatives through knowledge transfer programs, digital platforms for advisory services, and extensive agronomic support. This approach not only aids in building customer loyalty but also contributes significantly towards strengthening relationships with farmers across various regions. In terms of collaborations, Rallis India has entered into strategic partnerships with global leaders in agrochemicals and biotechnology companies such as UPL Limited, Mitsui Chemicals Agro Inc., Dhanuka Agritech Ltd., Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd., etc. These alliances enable Rallis to access cutting-edge technologies and expand its product portfolio while leveraging mutual strengths for business growth.
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