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Rategain Travel Technologies Limited (RATEGAIN)
What RATEGAIN does

Rategain Travel Technologies Limited

What company does?Provides technology solutions for travel and hospitality industries.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Rategain Travel Technologies Limited is a share market listed company in the Information Technology industry . It got listed on NSE on 17-DEC-2021 under the trading symbol RATEGAIN. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol RATEGAIN. The company operates in Hospitality , Travel Technology and Revenue Management categories.

Company overview

Rategain Travel Technologies Limited is a leading provider of SaaS solutions for the travel and hospitality industry. The company specializes in offering revenue management, distribution, and competitive intelligence products to help businesses make informed pricing decisions and maximize their profitability.

Rategain's comprehensive suite of products includes tools for rate shopping, channel management, online reputation management, revenue optimization, and guest experience enhancement. These offerings are designed to empower hotels, airlines, OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), car rental companies, cruise lines, and other players in the travel ecosystem with actionable insights that drive business growth.

The company leverages innovative technologies such as machine learning algorithms and big data analytics to deliver real-time market intelligence and automate pricing strategies. This enables clients to stay ahead of competition by dynamically adjusting rates based on demand fluctuations while maintaining optimal occupancy levels.

One factor that sets Rategain apart from its competitors is its focus on providing end-to-end solutions tailored specifically for the travel industry. By combining advanced technology with deep domain expertise, Rategain has established itself as a trusted partner for over 12,000 customers globally. Moreover,

the company has forged strategic partnerships with major industry players like Expedia Group , , Airbnb , Google My Business

, among others.This collaboration allows Rategain to integrate seamlessly with various distribution channels and platforms while enhancing its product offerings through synergistic relationships. In conclusion,

Rategain stands out as an innovative force in the travel technology sector due to its commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to thrive in today’s dynamic marketplace.

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