Note: All prices and reports are based on end of the day (EOD) data.
What RPSGVENT does


What company does?Venture capital and private equity firm investing in early-stage to growth-stage companies.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
RPSG VENTURES LIMITED is a share market listed company in the Services industry . It got listed on NSE on 25-JAN-2019 under the trading symbol RPSGVENT. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol RPSGVENT. The company operates in Consumer Goods , Retail and Investment categories.

Company overview

RPSG Ventures Limited is a venture capital firm that focuses on investing in early-stage and growth-stage companies across various sectors, including consumer, technology, financial services, healthcare, and education. The company has a strategic focus on identifying innovative startups with high growth potential.

RPSG Ventures Limited provides not only funding but also mentorship and access to global networks to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses. By leveraging the expertise of its team members and industry connections, RPSG Ventures aims to support the development of disruptive technologies and business models.

The firm's portfolio includes companies involved in e-commerce, digital health solutions, fintech, edtech platforms, consumer brands, and more. RPSG Ventures actively seeks out opportunities where it can add value beyond just capital infusion. One aspect that sets RPSG Ventures apart from its competitors is its strong emphasis on nurturing partnerships with founders and management teams. This collaborative approach allows the company to work closely with entrepreneurs in shaping strategies for sustainable growth. In terms of innovation, RPSG Ventures keeps abreast of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain applications, internet-of-things (IoT) devices among others when evaluating investment opportunities. It prioritizes backing ventures that demonstrate potential for disruption within their respective industries through technological advancements or unique business models. Moreover,RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group’s wide-ranging network enables RPSG Ventures' portfolio companies to tap into diverse resources spanning manufacturing capabilities, distribution channels,and market access both domestically & internationally. Overall,RSPV Venture stands out due to its commitment towards building long-term relationships & providing holistic support rather than merely being silent investors.Their hands-on engagement model makes them an attractive partner for aspiring start-ups looking beyond mere financing assistance.

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