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Satin Creditcare Network Limited (SATIN)
What SATIN does

Satin Creditcare Network Limited

What company does?Microfinance services and financial inclusion
Entity typePrivate
Satin Creditcare Network Limited is a share market listed company in the Financial Services industry . It got listed on NSE on 26-AUG-2015 under the trading symbol SATIN. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol SATIN. The company operates in Finance and Microfinance categories.

Company overview

Satin Creditcare Network Limited is a leading microfinance institution in India, providing access to financial services for low-income households and individuals. Established in 1990, the company serves as an enabler for economic empowerment by offering small-ticket loans and other financial products to those who are excluded from the traditional banking system.

With a focus on fostering entrepreneurship and improving livelihoods, Satin Creditcare provides microloans for various purposes including income-generating activities, agriculture, education, housing improvements, and more. The company's mission is to alleviate poverty by promoting financial inclusion through responsible lending practices.

Satin Creditcare has leveraged technology to enhance its operations with innovative solutions such as biometric smart cards for secure transactions and digital payment platforms. This technological integration enables efficient delivery of financial services while ensuring transparency and security.

The company stands out among its competitors due to its extensive network of branches across multiple states in India, reaching underserved communities in both rural and urban areas. With a strong emphasis on customer-centricity and ethical business practices, Satin Creditcare has garnered a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness within the microfinance sector. In addition to its core microfinance offerings, Satin Creditcare also engages in partnerships with governmental agencies, international organizations, banks, impact investors, and corporate entities to further expand its reach and impact. These collaborations have enabled the company to scale up its operations while maintaining high standards of social responsibility. Overall,SatinCreditCareNetworkLimitedcontinuesto playacriticalroleinthefieldofmicrofinanceservicesbyempoweringindividualsandcommunitiesthroughfinancialinclusionandinnovativesolutions.
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