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Tamilnadu Telecommunication Limited (TNTELE)
What TNTELE does

Tamilnadu Telecommunication Limited

What company does?Provides telecommunication services and products.
Entity typeGovernment
Tamilnadu Telecommunication Limited is a share market listed company in the Telecom - Equipment & Accessories industry . It got listed on NSE on 04-FEB-2003 under the trading symbol TNTELE. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol TNTELE. The company operates in Telecommunications , Technology and Electronics categories.

Company overview

Tamilnadu Telecommunication Limited (TN Telecom) is a state-owned telecommunication company based in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The company was established to cater to the growing demand for telecommunication services and bridge the digital divide in the region.

TN Telecom offers a wide range of telecommunications services including landline, mobile, and internet connectivity. It provides both prepaid and postpaid mobile services with competitive tariff plans to suit varying consumer needs.

One of TN Telecom’s standout offerings is its focus on providing reliable and affordable communication solutions to rural areas, thereby playing a pivotal role in connecting remote communities and fostering inclusive growth.

In addition to traditional telecom services, TN Telecom has been actively involved in deploying innovative technologies such as fiber optic networks to enhance connectivity speed and reliability for its customers. This technological advancement has positioned the company at the forefront of delivering high-speed broadband services across urban and rural landscapes. Furthermore, TN Telecom's commitment to customer satisfaction sets it apart from competitors. The company emphasizes prompt customer service support alongside its robust network infrastructure, ensuring seamless communication experiences for subscribers. The collaboration between TN Telecom and various government initiatives underscores its dedication towards supporting national agendas such as Digital India by expanding access to affordable telecommunications facilities throughout Tamil Nadu.
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