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Vakrangee Limited (VAKRANGEE)

Vakrangee Limited

What company does?Vakrangee is a technology driven company providing services across banking, insurance, e-governance, and ecommerce.
Entity typePrivate
Vakrangee Limited is a share market listed company in the IT Enabled Services industry . It got listed on NSE on 03-APR-2006 under the trading symbol VAKRANGEE. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol VAKRANGEE. The company operates in E-commerce , Retail and Technology Services categories.

Company overview

Vakrangee Limited is a technology company that operates through its vast network of Vakrangee Kendras, which are last-mile retail points. The company provides various services such as banking, insurance, e-governance, and ecommerce to unserved and underserved rural and semi-urban areas in India. The company's products and services include Banking Business Correspondent Services (BC), Aadhaar Services, Financial Inclusion Services, E-Governance Services, Insurance Broking Services, and E-commerce Services. Vakrangee has also ventured into the digital space by offering services like bill payments for utilities including electricity bills as well as mobile recharges at its Kendras. One of the key factors that sets Vakrangee apart from its competitors is its extensive reach across remote locations in India. With over 25,000 operational outlets spread across 30 Indian states and union territories serving more than 8 crore customers annually., it has established itself as one of the largest networks providing financial inclusion services in the country. Vakrangee has partnered with leading organizations such as HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank among others to offer banking facilities at their Kendras. Their strategic partnerships have helped them expand their service offerings while leveraging advanced technologies to cater to diverse customer needs effectively. Innovative technology plays a pivotal role in Vakrangee's operations. They have incorporated state-of-the-art technological solutions to ensure seamless delivery of their diverse range of services at their Kendras efficiently. This includes robust IT systems for secure transactions along with biometric authentication devices ensuring reliable Aadhaar-based verification processes. Overall,Vakrnage stands out due to its extensive network penetration reaching underprivileged regions,tailored product offering catering wide spectrum need ,strategic partnership,it;s focus on using innovative techonlogy making sure seamlesss transaction & expanded portfolio.

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