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Waterbase Limited (WATERBASE)

Waterbase Limited

What company does?Waterbase Limited is engaged in the aquaculture and seafood processing business.
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
Waterbase Limited is a share market listed company in the Seafood industry . It got listed on NSE on 08-FEB-1995 under the trading symbol WATERBASE. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol WATERBASE. The company operates in Aquaculture , Water Treatment and Environmental Services categories.

Company overview

Waterbase Limited is a leading aquaculture company based in India. The company primarily focuses on the production and export of high-quality shrimp and prawn products to various international markets. With over three decades of experience, Waterbase has established itself as a key player in the aquaculture industry. The core business of Waterbase revolves around shrimp farming, processing, and exporting frozen seafood products. The company's state-of-the-art facilities adhere to stringent quality control measures and environmental sustainability standards. This ensures that their products meet global benchmarks for safety, hygiene, and ethical sourcing practices. One notable aspect that sets Waterbase apart from its competitors is its emphasis on innovation and technology integration within its operations. The company utilizes advanced techniques for pond preparation, water management, disease prevention, feed optimization, and waste management to ensure efficient and sustainable aquaculture practices. Waterbase has also made significant strides in vertical integration by controlling every stage of the production process - from hatcheries to farms to processing units – thereby ensuring complete traceability and quality assurance throughout the supply chain. In addition to its technological advancements, Waterbase's commitment to research & development allows them to constantly improve breeding programs aimed at developing disease-resistant species with superior growth rates – enabling them to stay ahead in a highly competitive market. Moreover, the strategic partnerships forged by Waterbase with global distributors enable them access into diverse markets worldwide while maintaining strong customer relationships built on trust through consistent delivery of premium-grade seafood products. Overall, Waterbase Limited stands out due to its relentless pursuit of excellence through innovative technologies combined with an unwavering dedication towards sustainability.
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