Note: All prices and reports are based on end of the day (EOD) data.

Companies with highest share price

Found 4844 results
Name Industry
Diversified Commercial Services BSE
Tyres & Rubber Products BSE NSE
Garments & Apparels BSE NSE
Industrial Products BSE NSE
Services BSE
Pharmaceuticals BSE NSE
Cement & Cement Products BSE NSE
3M India 3MINDIA
Diversified BSE NSE
Auto Components & Equipments BSE NSE
Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) BSE
Industrial Products BSE NSE
Investment Company BSE NSE
Industrial Products BSE
Consumer Durables BSE NSE
Personal Care BSE NSE
Passenger Cars & Utility Vehicles BSE NSE
Holding Company BSE NSE
Hotels & Resorts BSE
Specialty Chemicals BSE

Investing in expensive shares

Investing in expensive shares might seem like a good idea, but it is not always the best option. If you are not aware of what exactly the most expensive shares are, then you should research more before investing any money into them.

A high share price doesn't mean the company is more valuable. Company value also depends on no. of shares in the market. To find out the most valuable company check the Companies with highest market capitalization.

Let's take an example if a company A issues 10 shares with a price of 10000 then its market cap will be: 100000. On the other hand if a company B issues 1000 shares with a price of 200 then its market cap. will be 200000. Here company B is more valuable where as company A has 50 times expensive share price.


Which company has the highest share price in India
Currently MRF company has the highest share price in India. So MRF is the most expensive stock in India
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