Note: All prices and reports are based on end of the day (EOD) data.

Option Chain Analysis

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BANKNIFTY 48981.2 -353.35 *Data as on 2025-02-21
Nifty Bank Option chain analysis for expiry 27-Feb-2025. Strike prices without any Open Interest are ommited in below table. This is an end of the day report and not the live market data. Visit the offical NSE option chain page to see the live data.
Calls Puts
Builtup Call Price Call OI Strike Puts OI Put Price Builtup PCR
- 8524.45 -360.55 4 40500 25503 +1897 0.9 -0.45 Writing 6375.75
Long Covering 8057.6 -408.7 138 -6 41000 9470 -793 1 -0.45 Long Covering 68.62
- - - 41500 3206 -23 1.05 -0.4 Long Covering -
Long Covering 7000 -386.85 155 -3 42000 15388 +3955 1.1 -0.5 Writing 99.28
- - - 42500 6172 -358 1.25 -0.45 Long Covering -
Long Covering 6091.8 -296.3 231 -86 43000 13192 +1467 1.4 -0.65 Writing 57.11
- - - 43100 290 -30 1.45 -0.85 Long Covering -
- - - 43200 225 +16 1.2 -0.6 Writing -
- - - 43300 223 +49 1.3 -0.7 Writing -
- - - 43400 534 +48 1.45 -0.25 Writing -
- 5527.65 -361.1 10 43500 6547 +3698 1.45 -0.6 Writing 654.7
- - - 43600 879 +41 1.45 -0.5 Writing -
- - - 43700 290 -9 1.5 -0.5 Long Covering -
- - - 43800 541 +4 1.25 -0.85 Writing -
- - - 43900 849 +163 1.55 -0.8 Writing -
Long Covering 5017.25 -430.45 820 -40 44000 12168 -2717 1.65 -0.6 Long Covering 14.84
- - - 44100 556 +189 1.85 -0.45 Writing -
- - - 44200 467 +191 1.6 -0.85 Writing -
- - - 44300 588 -12 1.8 -0.9 Long Covering -
- - - 44400 2355 +89 2 -0.75 Writing -
- 4528.7 -481.3 13 44500 10607 +442 2 -0.4 Writing 815.92
- - - 44600 760 -91 2 -0.7 Long Covering -
- - - 44700 628 -51 2.15 -0.6 Long Covering -
- - - 44800 1076 +5 2.1 -0.7 Writing -
- - - 44900 740 -119 2.4 -0.65 Long Covering -
Long Covering 4015.95 -462.45 2072 -102 45000 38180 -3442 2.4 -0.65 Long Covering 18.43
- - - 45100 2102 +1015 2.5 -0.75 Writing -
- - - 45200 906 -1108 2.6 -0.65 Long Covering -
- - - 45300 3481 +1451 2.35 -1.1 Writing -
- - - 45400 2429 +222 2.7 -0.95 Writing -
Long Covering 3594.1 -297.2 40 -6 45500 23810 +2074 3.1 -0.75 Writing 595.25
- - - 45600 2054 +300 3.05 -1.25 Writing -
- - - 45700 2220 +437 3.4 -1.05 Writing -
- - - 45800 2608 -1044 3.45 -1.25 Long Covering -
- 3130.45 -361.5 5 45900 1979 -87 3.75 -1.45 Long Covering 395.8
Long Covering 3019.4 -461.55 1613 -1258 46000 43655 -8017 4.1 -1.35 Long Covering 27.06
- - - 46100 1693 -68 4.45 -1.75 Long Covering -
- 2831.3 -361.35 4 46200 3200 -1452 4.85 -1.9 Long Covering 800
- - - 46300 5794 +337 5.5 -1.8 Writing -
Writing 2637.4 -356 10 +7 46400 2536 -2209 6.35 -2 Long Covering 253.6
Writing 2497.3 -463.6 335 +2 46500 25379 +1936 6.95 -2 Writing 75.76
Long Covering 2433.7 -360.85 5 -1 46600 6041 +3140 8.15 -2 Writing 1208.2
- 2334.8 -360.5 8 46700 9220 +2968 9 -2.3 Writing 1152.5
Long Covering 2195 -401.3 150 -3 46800 6963 +405 10.45 -2.15 Writing 46.42
Long Covering 2108.45 -477.8 270 -76 46900 4767 +1441 12.3 -2.15 Writing 17.66
Long Covering 2052 -430.6 952 -44 47000 50108 -6115 14.35 -1.85 Long Covering 52.63
Long Covering 1919.15 -381.7 229 -34 47100 4647 -1046 16.8 -1.25 Long Covering 20.29
Long Covering 1823.95 -379.2 109 -20 47200 6327 +1149 19.3 -1.45 Writing 58.05
Long Covering 1764.6 -341.4 133 -53 47300 10109 +5449 23.05 -0.95 Writing 76.01
Long Covering 1677.25 -332.2 169 -76 47400 4272 -362 27.45 +0.35 Short Covering 25.28
Writing 1565.55 -424.1 827 +28 47500 37935 -7558 32.1 +1.2 Short Covering 45.87
Long Covering 1479.95 -338.8 157 -8 47600 3774 -683 38.3 +2.65 Short Covering 24.04
Writing 1386.05 -442.9 322 +2 47700 6604 +2247 45.35 +4.95 Buying 20.51
Long Covering 1292.05 -421.75 278 -21 47800 11519 +2484 53.3 +6.65 Buying 41.44
Long Covering 1203 -402.15 180 -72 47900 5620 +131 65.15 +11.5 Buying 31.22
Writing 1110.8 -409.9 6685 +416 48000 41671 -5411 76.75 +14.95 Short Covering 6.23
Writing 1024.3 -406.95 854 +321 48100 4457 -1456 92.05 +20.65 Short Covering 5.22
Writing 953.5 -404.1 1273 +669 48200 7260 +1673 108.45 +26 Buying 5.7
Long Covering 865.4 -389.25 1027 -910 48300 7629 +289 127.4 +32.8 Buying 7.43
Writing 790.05 -394.15 1207 +332 48400 7900 +1650 148.6 +39.45 Buying 6.55
Writing 721.85 -373.05 6346 +248 48500 32347 -15505 173.6 +49.95 Short Covering 5.1
Long Covering 641.25 -376 2224 -1131 48600 7844 +1121 204.55 +59.6 Buying 3.53
Writing 579.35 -369.6 3763 +1255 48700 9404 +343 235.45 +69.45 Buying 2.5
Writing 515.95 -345.4 6059 +3125 48800 11934 -1694 268.95 +78.45 Short Covering 1.97
Writing 459.45 -327.25 8908 +4921 48900 10528 -124 312.6 +95.5 Short Covering 1.18
Writing 402.85 -316.05 47645 +17438 49000 41969 -7467 353.9 +107.85 Short Covering 0.88
Writing 351.6 -300.65 12546 +6536 49100 8507 -2191 403 +123.3 Short Covering 0.68
Writing 304.45 -286.65 17862 +8081 49200 8526 -6115 455.75 +140.05 Short Covering 0.48
Writing 259.25 -271.15 18690 +5588 49300 8185 -5319 517.7 +164.2 Short Covering 0.44
Long Covering 222.1 -251.85 15972 -1668 49400 7002 -5601 578.65 +182.4 Short Covering 0.44
Writing 190.9 -229.4 48399 +4781 49500 24143 -9172 646.65 +203.25 Short Covering 0.5
Writing 161.35 -211 16055 +1796 49600 5331 -3416 720.1 +224.9 Short Covering 0.33
Writing 135.95 -191.15 15102 +2342 49700 4555 -1482 801.2 +249.9 Short Covering 0.3
Writing 113.6 -171.65 16632 +4580 49800 5178 +416 884.55 +273.2 Buying 0.31
Writing 94.3 -153.1 11399 +2228 49900 2902 -781 944.8 +267.15 Short Covering 0.25
Writing 78.9 -133.6 60817 +10385 50000 19975 -5651 1034.45 +295.15 Short Covering 0.33
Writing 65.75 -116.8 14126 +3512 50100 2807 -259 1092.95 +281 Short Covering 0.2
Writing 54.1 -102.6 13254 +2909 50200 3262 -329 1215.7 +332.05 Short Covering 0.25
Writing 44.6 -86.8 15486 +5253 50300 4243 -105 1313.35 +346.75 Short Covering 0.27
Writing 36.65 -74.25 16555 +4494 50400 4054 -218 1391.8 +349 Short Covering 0.24
Writing 30.2 -62.4 49132 +10576 50500 10633 -723 1458.2 +354.65 Short Covering 0.22
Writing 24.8 -52.1 15406 +1943 50600 3424 +142 1602.5 +398.65 Buying 0.22
Long Covering 20.5 -42.5 12757 -13258 50700 3709 -23 1699.1 +422.9 Short Covering 0.29
Writing 17.2 -35.1 13530 +3185 50800 1389 -95 1806.15 +443.35 Short Covering 0.1
Writing 14.55 -28.15 9891 +2208 50900 926 -35 1896.6 +411.15 Short Covering 0.09
Writing 12.35 -22.75 83234 +8364 51000 11859 -396 1967.35 +415.75 Short Covering 0.14
Writing 10.55 -18.65 10596 +1909 51100 1253 -31 2130.5 +452.4 Short Covering 0.12
Writing 8.85 -15.2 10804 +2288 51200 1133 -39 2187.4 +464.05 Short Covering 0.1
Writing 7.85 -12.15 12938 +4085 51300 1208 -47 2270.3 +344.95 Short Covering 0.09
Writing 7 -9.65 12204 +4286 51400 1186 -21 2381.15 +416.65 Short Covering 0.1
Long Covering 6.1 -7.8 43956 -726 51500 3433 -44 2469.25 +425.15 Short Covering 0.08
Writing 5.3 -6.5 10460 +2822 51600 436 2566.55 +352.7 - 0.04
Writing 4.55 -5.3 21518 +13678 51700 239 +2 2665.75 +461.75 Buying 0.01
Writing 4.4 -4.1 8732 +1188 51800 231 2765.1 +356.1 - 0.03
Long Covering 4.25 -3.05 7037 -1446 51900 361 2864.6 +357.4 - 0.05
Long Covering 4.2 -2.35 67561 -157 52000 6694 -698 2923.6 +421 Short Covering 0.1
Writing 3.9 -2.05 10111 +390 52100 279 3063.8 +359.3 - 0.03
Long Covering 3.75 -1.45 6888 -1881 52200 350 -9 3163.55 +360.05 Short Covering 0.05
Writing 3.6 -0.85 5731 +11 52300 324 3263.3 +360.6 - 0.06
Long Covering 3.5 -0.7 3931 -950 52400 525 -16 3363.1 +361.1 Short Covering 0.13
Long Covering 3.5 -0.25 33607 -4788 52500 3551 -95 3447.5 +419.75 Short Covering 0.11
Long Covering 3.35 -0.3 4134 -877 52600 278 -8 3586 +385 Short Covering 0.07
Long Covering 3.1 -0.15 5569 -248 52700 89 3662.6 +362 - 0.02
Short Covering 2.9 +0.05 12362 -4171 52800 265 3762.5 +362.2 - 0.02
Short Covering 3.2 +0.1 4784 -1406 52900 192 -1 3862.35 +362.35 Short Covering 0.04
Short Covering 3.15 +0.25 40496 -6664 53000 7878 -399 3934.05 +410.25 Short Covering 0.19
Short Covering 3.05 +0.1 3369 -662 53100 107 4062.1 +362.55 - 0.03
Short Covering 3.1 +0.45 3282 -1646 53200 286 4162 +362.65 - 0.09
Short Covering 3.1 +0.35 2343 -855 53300 283 4261.9 +362.7 - 0.12
Short Covering 2.8 +0.25 2403 -1470 53400 84 4361.8 +362.75 - 0.03
- 2.7 13803 -3706 53500 2910 -344 4479.25 +485.75 Short Covering 0.21
Short Covering 2.9 +0.15 1652 -379 53600 639 4561.55 +362.8 - 0.39
Short Covering 2.75 +0.35 2167 -519 53700 26 4661.45 +362.85 - 0.01
- 2.7 2672 -147 53800 354 4761.35 +362.9 - 0.13
Short Covering 2.8 +0.1 1947 -89 53900 12 4861.25 +362.95 - 0.01
Long Covering 2.6 -0.1 51358 -4953 54000 12243 -1425 4930.15 +421.35 Short Covering 0.24
Long Covering 2.5 -0.2 1009 -55 54100 5 5061.05 +363 - 0
Short Covering 2.55 +0.05 1203 -54 54200 84 5160.9 +362.95 - 0.07
Short Covering 2.6 +0.15 1659 -210 54300 4 5260.8 +363 - 0
- 2.6 819 -41 54400 12 5360.7 +363 - 0.01
- 2.3 11812 -617 54500 710 -2 5406.45 +308.9 Short Covering 0.06
Short Covering 2.75 +0.55 1212 -62 54600 12 5560.5 +363.05 - 0.01
Buying 2.35 +0.1 1602 +5 54700 11 5660.4 +363.1 - 0.01
Short Covering 2.4 +0.2 1186 -190 54800 4 5760.3 +363.1 - 0
Buying 2.5 +0.15 1321 +64 54900 10 5860.15 +363.1 - 0.01
- 2.15 25754 -6239 55000 3434 -136 5960.05 +412.35 Short Covering 0.13
Short Covering 2.35 +0.05 721 -21 55100 8 6059.95 +363.15 - 0.01
Short Covering 2.4 +0.15 847 -23 55200 - - - -
Long Covering 2.35 -0.2 892 -54 55300 1 6259.75 +363.2 - 0
Short Covering 2.4 +0.05 454 -6 55400 14 6359.65 +363.2 - 0.03
Long Covering 2.05 -0.1 4865 -1730 55500 98 6459.55 +363.25 - 0.02
Buying 2.3 +0.05 782 +20 55600 3 6559.4 +363.2 - 0
- 2.35 665 +42 55700 9 6659.3 +363.25 - 0.01
Short Covering 2.3 +0.25 855 -283 55800 9 6759.2 +363.25 - 0.01
Buying 2.5 +0.2 283 +16 55900 7 6859.1 +363.3 - 0.02
Long Covering 2 -0.2 14873 -719 56000 709 -11 6915.85 +320.15 Short Covering 0.05
Short Covering 2.25 +0.05 315 -8 56100 5 7058.9 +363.35 - 0.02
Short Covering 2.25 +0.05 448 -27 56200 - - - -
Long Covering 2.1 -0.2 440 -63 56300 3 7258.7 +363.4 - 0.01
Long Covering 2.15 -0.15 1601 -3 56400 14 -43 7358.55 +363.35 Short Covering 0.01
- 1.75 5172 -384 56500 50 7458.45 +363.4 - 0.01
- 1.95 1106 +183 56600 - - - -
Long Covering 1.75 -0.25 8006 -2277 57000 464 -51 7944.3 +405.1 Short Covering 0.06
Buying 1.7 +0.1 3922 +99 57500 17 8457.4 +363.6 - 0
Long Covering 1.65 -0.25 10535 -403 58000 578 -31 8937.1 +343.9 Short Covering 0.05
Buying 1.65 +0.15 2262 +44 58500 1 9456.35 +363.8 - 0
Writing 1.55 -0.15 10992 +391 59000 62 -2 9955.8 +363.85 Short Covering 0.01
Writing 1.5 -0.2 7877 +5462 59500 10 10455.25 +363.9 - 0
Writing 1.5 -0.25 31618 +35 60000 251 -11 10948.1 +436.1 Short Covering 0.01
Writing 1.45 -0.15 6175 +1075 60500 24 11454.2 +364.1 - 0
Writing 1.45 -0.35 104695 +19699 61000 19 11953.65 +364.2 - 0
1258468 Total 820230 0.65

Option chain displays all the contracts of a given derivative in a single table. This is incredibly valuable for "Options Trading" since it displays where the rest of the market players find support and resistance. This table could be used by both the "Option Writer" and the "Option Buyer" to increase their trading odds.

Check the list of all F&O stocks.

How to read the above option chain table?

Data we are showing in above table is not the live data but is end of the day data. It displayes Open Interest along with the increase or decrease in OI from the previous trading day. Price column shows the settlement price of the options. PCR column has the value of Put Call Ratio. And builtup show an estimated idea according to activity based on the below table as suggested by many market experts. Still we want to remind you that these are just ideas and not any type of guarantee of the momentum.


  1. OI increasing & Option Price Increasing = Call Buying (Bullish trend trend)
  2. OI increasing & Option Price Decreasing = Call Writing (Bearish trend)
  3. OI Decreasing & Option Price Increasing = Call Short Covering (Bullish trend)
  4. OI Decreasing & Option Price Decreasing = Call Long Covering (Bearish trend)


  1. OI increasing & Option Price Increasing = Put Buying (Bearish trend)
  2. OI increasing & Option Price Decreasing = Put Writing (Bullish trend)
  3. OI Decreasing & Option Price Increasing = Put Short Covering (Bearish trend)
  4. OI Decreasing & Option Price Decreasing = Put Long Covering (Bullish trend)
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All prices or any other data provided here is based on previous day's closing price.

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